5W of Life
The 5Ws are the factors in your life you can control to live a fulfilled life.
The 5Ws are:
Who am I spending my time with?
What will I spend my time on?
When will I be doing it?
Where will I be doing it?
Why will I be doing it?
The same method is used in Writing, Business, and many other areas.
Every time, the Ws get other specific questions assigned to them.
When we apply it to business, they might sound like this:
Who am I working with? -> Not every client or team member is worth working with.
What am I working on? -> Some tasks to feel busy or something that will drive me forward?
When will I work? -> At a time when I am productive or when someone else wants me to be productive?
Where will I work? -> In an office where I can't concentrate? Surrounded by nature? A place where I feel good?
Why will I work on this? -> Am I doing this only for money, or do I have a deeper calling driving me?
You notice that these questions can lead to very different lives.
Control your 5Ws to control your life, happiness and fulfillment.