Talk to me

This is how it works:

  1. Fill in the application.

  2. 15-minute Alignment Call to see if I can help you.

  3. 45-minute free Consultation Call, where we work out your solution.

Let's build your playground Business.

It works like this:

  1. Fill in the application.

  2. 15 min Alignment Call.

  3. 45 min Consulting Call (only 5 slots per week).

  4. Further collaboration (only if I can really help you and you want it).

During the Alignment Call we check your current situation, to see if I can help you to get to your goals.

If that is the case, we schedule a Consulting Call where we dive deep and work out a solution for you.

Quality over Quantity: To ensure I can focus 100% on helping you,

  • I limit calls to 5 slots each week.

  • I only have the capacity for 3 new collaborations each month.