Meet Marcel

Let's break the norm

Hustle culture, 9-5 jobs, capitalism, and ego make life in society hell. We sacrifice our lives, dreams, and freedom. Staying in what society thinks is the right way to do things. The norm.

Fuck the Norm! Let's live different.

I dream of a world where everyone is free and collaborates playfully on their passions. A world where the only limit is our imagination.

I made this dream come true for myself already. Building a multi-million Euro gaming business while living as a digital nomad all around the world.

I love creating environments where people can unfold their full potential.

Developing video games is nothing other than designing learning environments. Where people enjoy surpassing themselves. Before that, I applied these concepts while working as a teacher, after my computer science master's.

Now my goal is to free entrepreneurs and founders like you from the norm. Let me show you how to free yourself and where the exit is.

Let's be free together and create cool Things!

What's next?

If you want to:

  • Scale your business effortlessly.

  • Build a playground for you and your team.

  • Grow your business on autopilot.

Let's talk!

I'm sure we can find a solution that works for your situation in a free consulting call.

Want to level up your business game?