Why the Best Leaders are Experience Designers
Read Time: 2 min
What makes a great leader and why work experience should be your focus.
The best talent retention strategy is to have a great work environment.
It decreases not only the cost of turnover, but also reduces quiet quitting.
I recently read this statistic, which shows how bad work environments are worldwide.
This statistic confirms what I experienced myself.
Only a tiny part of your team supports your company.
Even worse, a significant part of your team tries to destroy your business.
I noticed years ago that most businesses suck their employees dry.
Everyone experiences high stress, and progress is at a snail's pace.
And it is all because the leaders are no user experience designers.
As a leader, I am responsible for my team's work experience.
Why would I care if my team is engaged and has a great time?
Because the cost of unengaged employees is steep.
The benefits of a great work experience are:
High employee retention - replacing an employee costs 6-9 months of salary.
High product quality - happy team, happy product.
No management needed - knowledge professionals work best self-directed.
I saw many founders, business leaders, and managers who didn't understand this.
How can you expect great work when the building is on fire?
Give your team everything they need, and then get out of their way.
This is how you become one of the top 1% of leaders.
According to Gallup's statistics, only 23% of employees are engaged.
This 5th of the workforce alone runs your company right now; no management is needed.
Engaged employees are your most valuable assets; you want as many of them as possible.
Then, 15% of employees are actively disengaged.
Actively disengaged employees are actively damaging your company.
This means one in seven people on your team works against you.
The remaining 62% of employees are not engaged.
Employees who are not engaged need to be managed by someone.
This gigantic part of employees is a liability and costs you more than the value they create.
As a leader, my priority is to get my team engaged.
I have two options to turn my team into an engaged and well-oiled machine.
The only sane option, though, is to learn experience design.
With experience design, you can turn your business into a playground.
The other option is to remove everyone except for the highly engaged team members.
Then, only hire highly engaged team members from then on.
This approach is neither sustainable, nor cheap, nor realistic.
You would need to replace 77% of your team.
How many team members are not engaged or disengaged in your company?
What is that number times nine months of employee salaries again?
Too much, for sure!
We didn't even count the future bad hires because we haven't fixed your bad hiring process yet.
Or the employees disengage over time due to your lousy work environment.
I said it before:
The best companies are gamers eating pizza.
I turned my companies into well-oiled machines by:
removing the actively disengaged team members as soon as I spot them,
and converting the unengaged members into engaged superstars.
This is why the best leaders are experience designers.
Are you already using user experience design to shape your work environment?
If you do, message me on LinkedIn!
I want to learn from you.
>>> Connect with me on LinkedIn.
If not, let's talk!
I can help you fix your company so it runs itself in no time.
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